Avoiding addiction treatment scams
Learn about out-of-state addiction treatment scams and how to avoid them.
Category: Good Ethics
Model Patient Protection And Treatment Ethics Act
This is a lovely suggested model of a treatment ethics law that could use your attention. It was created by the National Alliance for Model State Drug Laws.
Read it. If you like what it says, ask your legislators what they are doing to accomplish those patient safety goals.
Important Questions For a Treatment Center for your loved one.
NAATP Releases Treatment Provider Guidebook
Cracking down on abuses
County passes registry for some drug rehab centers to crack down on abuses
The law, requiring licensed addiction treatment providers to register annually with the county Health Care Agency, may be the first in California.
A Federal answer to body brokering?
Treatment CEO’s ask for increased regulation.
In a Hearing About Addiction Treatment Companies’ Sketchy Advertising Practices, CEOs Ask for More Regulation
Normally trade groups lobby for less government oversight, but not in this case.
ASAM Public Policy Statement on Ethical Promotion and Patient Recruitment by Addiction Treatment Programs
Predatory behavior on Facebook
Predatory behavior runs rampant in Facebook’s addiction support groups
Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg has spent a year acting as a cheerleader for community support groups, especially those focused on addiction recovery. But scratching the surface of these organizations reveals the need for a referee, instead. Without that, there’s nothing to protect the most vulnerable people on the platform from this impenetrable tangle of altruism and e-commerce.