Some rural hospitals used for big insurance reimbursements – and profit
CBS News investigation finds some hospitals have become gold mines for enterprising health care executives looking for a way to quietly make a quick buck
Category: Insurance Fraud
Substance Abuse Treatment Center Owner Pleads Guilty to $57 Million Money Laundering Conspiracy…
Bucks drug rehab fraud made millions off patients’ relapses, Pa. attorney general charges
“Mom, When They Look at Me, They See Dollar Signs”
Submitting fake insurance claims – It doesn’t pay
Sober-home operator submitted fake insurance claims, authorities say
James Durkin had operated two businesses in Boynton Beach.
11 charged in multimillion-dollar insurance fraud case involving surgeries on recovering addicts
11 charged in multimillion-dollar insurance fraud case involving surgeries on recovering addicts
The owner and an employee of a Fountain Valley-based treatment facility, along with five doctors and four so-called body brokers, have been arrested and charged in what authorities say was a scheme to fraudulently bill insurance companies millions of dollars for experimental, unnecessary and…
Recruiters pay vulnerable addicts to try experimental treatment to kick heroin
Recruiters pay vulnerable addicts to try experimental treatment to kick heroin
A CBS News investigation found that addicts are being paid hundreds, sometimes thousands of dollars in cash to get the 30-minute outpatient procedure
The Ethics of Implant Therapy
Body Brokering in Addiction Part 2: Implant Therapy
Updated: September 19, 2019 (Since the original publication of this article, two naltrexone implants are in process of seeking FDA approval to offer legitimacy and legality to a once contaminated money-making, body-brokering machine. Scroll to the end of this article for updates.